Become an Expert

Want to join our directory of experts? Fill out the form below and the AAJA Studio team will review your application. If you have any changes to make after submitting this form, please contact us directly

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"*" indicates required fields

Ex. he/him/his, she/her/hers
The account you want used for inquiries.
Where you live/work. Ex. New York, NY
Comma-separated list.
AAJA Affiliation
Subject Matter Expertise*
Comma-separated unique terms and keywords not listed above that describe your areas of expertise.
Comma-separated locations or areas you have expertise. Ex. "Washington, DC," "The Korean Peninsula", etc.
Max. file size: 3 MB.
Third-person voice, approx. 250-500 words. AAJA Studio reserves the right to edit this content for length.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.